Meaning of (परेशान करना.) pareshan karna in english

As verb : harry
Other :
weigh upon play up discomfit to mystify to ruffle mystify hassle Ex:  This is not a discussion argument is a simple hassle annoy Ex:  I am aware annoy you so often of the same niggle pester vex unhinge nag bother Ex:  , The pear is ripe, the pear is not ripe, The case in question came, did not arrive precisely when it should bother with, we think of the end sweat Ex:  A cold sweat ail tremble ruffle bait Ex:  Interest is a great bait for many Men kill Ex:  Bob Kane noted that as a result " planning to kill Batman off altogether". disturb Ex:  Coming to the cross, Crossing, disturb a project, a case worry bug upset Ex:  He got upset at this result without work kick fuss plague Ex:  It's not known how often or widespread plague doctors were tease try Ex:  Instead he was forced to try to make a living as a sports promoter trouble Ex:  He pulled me trouble bore bite
Suggested : to disturb or bother (a person) in a way that displeases, troubles, or slightly irritates a disorderly dispute to perplex (a person) by playing upon the person's credulity bewilder purposely to confuse and deject disconcert a dramatic composition or piece drama
Exampleपरेशान करना. का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(परेशान करना.) pareshan karna can be used as verb. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 12 including consonants matras. Transliteration : pareshaana karanaa.

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